How to Draw Dogs in Pencil

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How to Draw Dogs in Pencil


Perros a lapiz have a special place in our hearts, and drawing them can be a wonderful way to capture their beauty. It doesn’t take much to draw dogs in pencil: you just need a good reference photo, sketch paper, and a few basic drawing tools. This article will show you how to begin drawing dogs in pencil, from outlining the major shapes to adding details like fur and expressions.

First, sketch out the basic outline using a pencil with a well-defined point. It’s best to start with a pencil that is at least a 2B or higher, as this will allow you to work in the dark tones without showing any graphite marks on your final piece.

Capturing Canine Charm: Dogs in Pencil Portraits

Once you’ve established the general shapes and the outline of the main features, you can begin to block in the darker tones and detail. The artist used a 4B Faber Castell pencil to add the shading and details on this portrait. To save time, it’s often easiest to work on a small section at a time, for example, the ears and nose might be finished before moving on the body.

To create a realistic look for the fur, use hatching lines that flow in the same direction. It’s also important to remember that your sketches are not photorealistic, so it’s better to keep the shading light and simple than trying to mimic every hair on the animal. When the drawing is finished, it’s always good to step back and compare it to your reference photo, to make sure you’ve captured the right look.

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